Movie Title : Buck
Release Date : Jun 17, 2011 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG
Actors :Buck Brannaman"Your horse is a mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what you see. Sometimes, you will." So says Buck Brannaman, a true American cowboy and sage on horseback who travels the country for nine grueling months a year helping horses with people problems. BUCK, a richly textured and visually stunning film, follows Brannaman from his abusive childhood to his phenomenally successful approach to horses. A real life "horse-whisperer", he eschews the violence of his upbringing and teaches people to communicate with horses through leadership and sensitivity, not punishment. Buck possesses near magical abilities as he dramatically transforms horses - and people - with his understanding, compassion and respect. In this film, the animal-human relationship becomes a metaphor for facing the daily challenges of life. A truly American story about an unsung hero, Buck is about an ordinary man who has made an extraordinary life despite tremendous odds. -- (C) IFC Films
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User Ranting Movie Buck : 4.2
User Percentage For Buck : 89 %
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New Review For Movie Buck
If you have even a passing interest in horses, you may find yourself smitten with this meditative doc.
Derek Adams-Time Out Cynics beware: Darned tootin', we're home on the range here, where seldom is heard a discouraging word and don't nobody be yappin' that Buck is too good to be true.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail Interviews with horse people, Brannaman's very funny, elderly stepmother and director Robert Redford help round out the doc, but all we really need is time with Brannaman, and Meehl doesn't disappoint.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star The result is a portrait that expertly mirrors its subject: Buck is shaped with the same economy, restraint, and unfussiness as the man, to unexpectedly inspiring effect.
Lisa Schwarzbaum-Entertainment Weekly One of the most valuable things a film can do is to take you to a place or introduce you to a character you haven't encountered before.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune It's well and good to hear Buck and others tell his story, but the film wouldn't come to much if you didn't feel the connection between his present and past in every frame.
David Edelstein-NPR Essentially a long instructional "horse whispering" video beefed up with Redford hype, underscored with a sad biography...
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service As enjoyable a documentary as I've seen this past couple of years...
Philip French-Observer [UK] Real life trumps 'reel life' in this fantastic, sweet, personal, human story about this true eccentric character.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show There's a whole heap of Americana to wallow in here, but it's testimony to the director and subject that Buck still trots along at such a lick.
Catherine Shoard-Guardian [UK] An unforgettable film about an extraordinary man.
Derek Malcolm-This is London A straightforward film but one in which Brannaman's gift and modesty shine through.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express Singular in style and impressively reflective of its protagonist's nature. Universal in theme, but may struggle to find a wide audience.
Ashley Clark-Little White Lies Entertaining and emotionally engaging documentary with a powerful, important message delivered by an immensely likeable central character.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon A touching, if occasionally overwrought look at the inspiration behind Robert Redford's Horse Whisperer.
Eve Barlow-Empire Magazine Breaking the cycle of abuse, Buck's deep-rooted respect for these dignified animals is truly inspiring.
Sam Wigley-Total Film It would be a very hard-hearted person indeed who would not warm to the gentle charms of ... this low-key, fondly personal look at one of life's gifted but hardly world-famous personages.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia) Imagine the Dude from The Big Lebowski if he had been raised on a dude ranch.
Tim Martain-The Mercury The great pleasure of this film is that we meet Buck the man as well as Buck the horseman; it's a rounded and balanced doco, a rich, complex, miniature biopic of Buck who bucked his fate
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile I was entranced and intensely moved by this marvellous and unforgettable documentary
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile Meehl seems entirely smitten by her subject matter...and her blind adoration is a double-edged sword, imbuing her film with tremendous warmth but also nullifying any hint of objectivity.
Simon As we see in Cindy Meehl's terrific documentary Buck, the rugged, plain-spoken Brannaman comes by his knowledge the hard way.
Norman Wilner-NOW Toronto New Movie Images Buck
Movie Overview For Buck
There's no wisdom worth having that isn't hard won
TagLine Buck There's no wisdom worth having that isn't hard won